

Transfer Function

In engineering, a transfer function (also known as system function or network function) of an electronic or control system component is a mathematical function which theoretically models the device's output for each possible input. In its simplest form, this function is a two-dimensional graph of an independent scalar input versus the dependent scalar output, called a transfer curve or characteristic curve. Transfer functions for components are used to design and analyze systems assembled from components, particularly using the block diagram technique, in electronics and control theory.

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Z-Transform - Practical Applications

Philip Salmony
26 min

Covering practical applications of the Z-transform used in digital signal processing, for example, stability analysis and frequency response of discrete-time systems. Theory, C code, and...

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Why Transfer Functions Matter

Vincent Stevenson
5 min

Once we know a process's transfer function we can model how it will respond to an variety of inputs very easily, check it out.

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Transfer Function to State Space

Christopher Lum
56 min

In this video we show how to transform a transfer function to an equivalent state space representation. We will derive various transformations such as contr...

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Final Value Theorem and Steady State Error

Brian Douglas
12 min

This Final Value Theorem is a way we can determine what value the time domain function approaches at infinity but from the S-domain transfer function. This is very helpful when we're trying...

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