

Companion resources to "Why Padé Approximations are great! | Control Systems in Practice, Part 12"

Companion resources to "Why Padé Approximations are great! | Control Systems in Practice, Part 12"
Submitted by Brian Douglas on 06/06/2022
Reference 5 resources
Last Edited: 01/28/2025

These are the resources that are referenced throughout the MATLAB Tech Talk video I made called "Why Padé Approximations are great! | Control Systems in Practice, Part 12".


For more information on time delays and why they matter, check out this Tech Talk.

You can skip this reference without getting lost but since I mentioned the step response in the Padé video I thought I'd point you to my Tech Talk video on them. I liked how this video turned out so I'm hoping more people watch it!

If you want to try out the Padé approximation of time delay with LQR, this video would be a good starting point.

If you want to try out the Padé approximation of time delay with H Infinity, this video would be a good starting point.