

Companion resources to "What is System Identification? | System Identification, Part 1"

Companion resources to "What is System Identification? | System Identification, Part 1"
Submitted by Brian Douglas on 10/27/2021
Reference 4 resources
Last Edited: 02/01/2025

These are the resources that are referenced throughout the MATLAB Tech Talk video I made called "What is System Identification? | System Identification, Part 1"


Here is the MATLAB Tech Talk video on what system identification is. If you've already seen the video and are just looking for the references that I used to make it then keep on scrolling!

This video is a must watch if you want to understand the system identification workflow and how it can be realized using the tools in the System Identification Toolbox in MATLAB. 

This article provides a nice gentle overview of the system identification process.  It covers about the same stuff I do in my video so if you prefer to read about it instead then this is for you.

The first part of this chapter provides a nice clear explanation of what dynamic models are.  I found this was helpful in distinguishing what system identification does versus a simple curve fit of the data.