These are the resources that are referenced throughout the MATLAB Tech Talk video I made called "Pulsed Waveforms and the Ambiguity Function".
Why Do Radars Chirp? | Pulse Waveform Basics
This tech talk covers how different pulse waveforms affect radar and sonar performance. See the difference between a rectangular pulse and a linear frequency modulated pulse, as well as...
See MoreMATLAB Example: Waveform Analysis Using the Ambiguity Function
This example shows how to use the ambiguity function to analyze waveforms. It compares range and Doppler capabilities of several common pulsed waveforms such as the rectangular waveform, the...
See MorePulse Waveform Analyzer App
The Pulse Waveform Analyzer app lets you explore the properties of signals commonly used in radar. You can display 2-D and 3-D plots that let you visualize waveform time series and spectra.
... See MorePulse-Doppler Radar | Understanding Radar Principles
his video introduces the concept of pulsed doppler radar. Learn how to determine range and radially velocity using a series of radar pulses. We cover pulse compression and the matched filter...
See MoreWhy is a Chirp Signal used in Radar?
Gives an intuitive explanation of why the Chirp signal is a good compromise between an impulse waveform and a sinusoidal pulse waveform for radar.
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